Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year

This morning, Naomi got bread from the bakery for breakfast. It was Naomi's turn to lead our church service today; she talked about the manifestations of the Spirit and how they relate to our callings for our church.

Soon after the service, we went out to eat at Greek Marina, which is of course a Greek restaurant. I love gyros.. mmmm! Afterwards we did some shopping at Costco to buy food.

After we got back home, Erin and Priscilla went to relax at the beach for about an hour while I stayed at home. At 3:30pm, after they had returned from the beach, Erin and I went to the Chinese concert at the UH Manoa campus.
This was first of the 5 concerts I have to go to this semester... I'm so glad Erin came along, because I know I couldn't have gotten to the place by myself.

I enjoyed this concert more than I thought I would! The instruments were really interesting... there was the pipa, sheng, zheng, erhu, xiao, and yangqin. Many of them are like ancestors of Japanese koto, shakuhachi, biwa, etc. The only thing I regret is that my camera's battery decided to die 15 minutes after the concert started! As a result, I got to take only a few pictures.

There were 6 people, and all of them were very nice. After the concert, they showed people their instruments, and let me hold the sheng, which looks something like this:

I'm going to write a 2-page report on this concert tomorrow.. it should be pretty easy.

Well, right after Erin and I got home, the four of us drove to Christi and Brandon's place for dinner. They live right on the first floor of Joe & Mercy's house, so Mercy, Nika and Kaila were there. Tina and Yoko were also there. Too bad I couldn't take any pictures!

Brandon cooked spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner.. wow his stuff was really good! We stayed over until about 9:30pm, talking and watching the Incredibles (don't ask).

I'd better get to bed now before it becomes 12:00! Good night everyone!


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