Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Yay more art books!

This morning, the art classroom was locked until fifteen minutes past time... so we students were left standing in front of the door for that long. Today we learned about the "brush tool", which is basically drawing lines by moving the mouse. It's not always as simple as it sounds! Also, though we were supposed to bring a full sketch of our first project, most people didn't. So the teacher looked pleased when I showed her mine (the pic from yesterday's blog). The picture ended up being passed around to everyone as an example! I don't know whether to be happy or embarrassed..

I then went to the English class, where all we did was listen to the teacher explain what we're going to do in the next few weeks. That's the nice thing about higher level classes: we're expected to know the basics already, so the teacher trusts us to do our stuff. In the next few weeks, I will have to make a short presentation of a Hawaiian poem and an anthology of one aspect of the Hawaiian culture with the interpretation for 4 Hawaiian short stories and 4 poems. Sounds like a lot of work, but I think it's going to be pretty fun, because I get to design a cover and add images to the anthology!

Right after we got home, I was dropped off at the post office by Naomi and Priscilla so that I could send a package to my parents and also receive a package from the Barnes & Noble bookstore. I got another art book.. yay! I think I've collected about four art books in less than 2 weeks. Time to stop buying and start reading!

By the time we got home after the post office, I was starving! So we ate lunch while watching "Undercover Blues", which is an action comedy from the early 90's. T'was very funny!

For the rest of the day I stayed at home and studied a little bit, chatted with my father, and scanned through my new art book, called "A Brief History of Painting". I loved this part about one modern painter of the 20th century who was so into playing chess that only after a week of marriage, his new wife glued his chess pieces to the board and divorced him! Lots of modern artists are very screwed up.

Erin made tonkatsu and mabo-dofu for dinner. Tomorrow's my turn to cook, but I might just decide to use that frozen pizza!

Tomorrow's Music class and Theatre class! They're two of my favorite classes this semester, along with the Art class. Can't wait!! :D


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