Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A day with three very different classes

Today started out with the music class, which was some more basics on music as a part of culture. It's a lecture class, but it's great because we get to listen to interesting music during class and hardly have any homework! There is a quiz coming up on Thursday though... my first quiz this semester!

Next came the Theatre class. It's a class unlike any other classes because we get to lie down, breathe, and relax. Later we had to act like elementary schoolkids playing outside during recess. Half of the students had to be the playthings (like swings and stuff) while the other half were the kids. A lot of fun!

We went home, ate lunch while watching Hogan's Heroes (so good to watch them again!), and stayed there until it was time for our Geography class at 3:15pm. It was only about one hour, but we went through a lot of material, like the solar system, seasons, and atmosphere. Here in the states, geography class is not required in high school, so I'm guessing that a lot of this stuff is new to most students.

Also, here is a funny map which the teacher used in order to show us that every map has its perspective. This is from the perspective of the United States.

We went home after that, and while Priscilla went to pick up Erin from her work place, I finished up my sketches for tomorrow's art class. Yes, my sketches take a rather long time to make! :)

Naomi cooked delicious dinner for us, a kind of stew with shrimps! Each of us are cooking at least once a week this semester... my turn comes on Thursday. I hope that whatever I'm going to cook turns out at least edible and that no one gets sick after eating it! :P

I think I'm starting to get a little headache, so I'm off to bed. Gute nacht!


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