Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Fiddling with the Adobe Illustrator..

This morning, we all woke up and left home pretty early... Erin and I had class from 8:00am, but Priscilla just decided to go early by car instead of walking to school later.

Art class was really fun today. We handed in our rough sketches, then learned some more features of Adobe Illustrator. I think the instructor was amazed with my sketches, because I heard her utter a small "OMG!" when she looked at the papers.

We're still doing some very easy stuff on the Illustrator... look at this strange face. Just a simple practice of using layers.

When the instructor was busy with other people, I went ahead and fiddled with some tools we hadn't learned yet. So I really don't know or remember how I made this blue and purple blob! So weird...

After that class was over, I immediately went to Kalia for my English class. Because it is a higher level English class, there is hardly any lecture. Instead, most of the class time is spent in discussion among separate groups and analyzing literature. So far it's pretty fun, though now each of our groups have to find an urban legend (scary story) to present in class next Monday. I hate ghost/horror stories, so I'm not looking forward to this!

Priscilla came to pick us up after class, so we got home at about lunchtime. We watched just one episode of Hogan's Heroes while eating, partly because there's only a couple more episodes left to watch! :(

Erin went to her guitar class in the afternoon (I think she looks better with a guitar than I do), and Naomi and Priscilla went driving somewhere, so I stayed at home and looked for urban legends for my English class until I got sick of scary stories. I've asked my parents if they know any good story I can use, so hopefully they can come up with something.
It was Erin's turn to cook tonight, and she cooked spaghetti with tomato and chicken sauce.

Tomorrow I have a Music quiz coming up. Also, during the Theatre class, I have to act out a short scene from a play by myself. Wish me luck! :D


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