Monday, January 23, 2006

So nice to have classes only in the morning!

It's sometimes a little hard to wake up at 7:00am in the morning (it's a bit dark in the room), get ready without waking up your roommate, and be attentive during the morning class. Well, that's what I do on Mondays and Wednesdays, and today was no exception.

It's fortunate for me that the 8:00am class is an art class and not a lecture class... it doesn't require me to be totally alert. Today we learned some more tools on the Adobe Illustrator, especially about the Pentool. It's not an easy tool to use at first, but one gets used to it, I guess. It was still a lot of fun!

I ran over to Kalia for my English class. Today was our presentation day... yes, the urban legend one. That class is pretty easy so far because the teacher doesn't really teach, but makes us discuss and do something instead. There were about 6 groups in all, and each talked about an urban legend (mostly local Hawaiian) and interpreted it. Some of them were kinda boring because the people were not so good at storytelling, but some others were interesting. I think that my group's went pretty well.

After that class was over at 12:00pm, Naomi and I were picked up by Priscilla and went home. We ate lunch while watching an old TV series called "Love that Bob", then I did some art homework, which was yet more sketching!

Not much happened in the afternoon.
For dinner, Priscilla made her famous om-rice! Yum!
After dinner was over and Priscilla had finished watching over the kids during their sign dance practice, the four of us watched the DVD of "Red Eye", which Priscilla had gotten just today. All of us except for Erin had seen it before, but it was still suspenseful and fun!

Sorry, no pictures today!


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Maki said...

Yes you are! LOL
Let me guess... this is Ericson's doing, isn't it?


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