Monday, January 30, 2006

So much for the Night Marchers...

During my digital art class this morning, we finally got to scan the pictures we drew and start making it into a digital art picture on Adobe Illustrator. It is fun to see how this is going to progress. I think I'll have to download a 30-day trial version of the software in order to work on it at home.

Next, I went to the Hawaiian English class, where we spent most of the time watching the DVD of a short, independent film about the Night Marchers. The filmmakers tried to make this like a documentary film of some explorers trying to take photos and videos of the legendary Night Marchers of Hawaii. The Night Marchers are supposedly spirits of dead warriors and chiefs who come out at night.. and of course, march. A person who comes upon them risks being killed.

The film was so weird.. they tried to make it scary and all, but the effect they tried to create was ruined by their bad acting. I mean, come on! I couldn't help but laugh when a big local guy came out and warned the adventurers not to go on, because "it's sacred" or something like that... he didn't have any expression at all! The language was also pretty bad, so half of the time I found myself wishing that I had a mute button to stop the sound.
There will be no English class this Wednesday. Hurray! :D

I met Priscilla and Naomi at campus and went home with them. After lunch and a funny episode of "Love that Bob", I started writing a reaction paper for yesterday's Chinese concert. It wasn't so hard to write, though I don't know if my teacher will like it or not. I can get a maximum of 25 points for it.

For the rest of the day, I stayed at home. Priscilla cooked German potatoes for dinner tonight, and it was really good! At night I chatted with my family in Japan.. it seems that our bird is still at the vet's place but getting a little better! :)

This is another brief post, but oh well, there's not that much to write every single day!


At 12:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Lol, that must have really been a weird film. :P Hope Shu-chan gets better soon!


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