Monday, April 03, 2006

5 weeks of school (plus finals) to go!

Today was the beginning of school again. All 3 of us woke up pretty early in the morning. Priscilla dropped me and Erin off at campus before driving to the airport to pick up Naomi.
I went to my 8:00am art class, but I was sooo sleepy because I hadn't woken up this early in over a week! Anyhow, I managed to stay awake and got a thumbs up from my teacher, who seemed to like the work I did over the break. She also gave me back the recommendation form for Phi Theta Kappa, which says all kinds of nice things about my grades. *grins* :D

I thought my art class was very empty and sad (only about 2/3 of class came), but it was nothing compared to English class! Including me, there was a total of 8 students, out of 19 in that class. I think some people have decided to lengthen their spring break or something, especially since it was sunny today. Oh, and I got my English class project Anthology back, and the grade is... 100%! :D She wrote that it was "excellent", and "the best so far"! *jumps for joy*

Priscilla picked me up to take me home. Naomi was already there and unpacked when I arrived. It was surprising to find our dining room table heaped with snacks from everyone. So a big THANK YOU to everyone in Japan for all the wonderful goodies!

I stayed at home and wrote my theatre critique in the afternoon. It was so hot today we left the AC on. For dinner, we went to Kaka'ako Kitchen, a local fast-food type of restaurant, because Naomi felt like it. The food is pretty good, though pretty big (as everything here goes). The pastrami sandwich was gooooooood!

Tomorrow there will be three classes, and I will stay on campus most of the day.

And here is something I found today which I found amusing:


At 11:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, funny pic. I still like the Boromir and Aragorn one better though. Hehe!

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100% ^^


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