Sunday, April 02, 2006

Thus ends the 10-day period of no school

Today, we started our Sunday service at 10:00am, as we usually do. Erin led us through worship, then we listened to Pastor's sermon on the CD, entitled "A Seed of Faith. Every time I read or listen to that parable of the sowing of the seeds, I can't help but recall those pictures drawn by Mrs. Sato that were used in our Sunday schools long time ago.

For lunch, we went to Ward Warehouse and ate at Chowder House. Mmm the clam chowder they serve there was excellent! I also had an interesting shrimp salad sandwich. Before going back home, we went to Logos bookstore and took a look around.

In the afternoon, we stayed at home. It was mostly sunny/cloudy today, but I sometimes heard the sound of distant thunder. I hear they're still giving warnings for flash floods. Now that would be scary!

At 6:30pm, we met Aunt Jean and Reed at a restaurant in Hilton Hotel. It was a nice place made for people in the military. The food was delicious! This is what I ordered. It's mahi-mahi (a kind of fish) with mashed potatoes and some vegetables. Love the macademia nuts topping!

This second picture looks weird... it's actually the tree in front of the restaurant, and there are lights hanging down from it. I was walking while I took this so it turned out like this.

Naomi's coming home tomorrow!! *is excited* And school will be back as well. I hope I haven't forgotten everything!


At 4:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey, cool pic. :D And the food looks so good...


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