Thursday, April 13, 2006

This seemed like a long school week

Today was the last schoolday of this week, because tomorrow is Good Friday. This seemed like a long week of school, and I'm so happy it's finished! Only 3 weeks + finals left!!

During this morning's music class, 4 students gave their presentations. Some were boring powerpoint presentations, but one girl brought all kinds of real Tahitian instruments and that was really interesting. And I got my take-home quiz back today. Another 26/25, along with a compliment from the instructor: "My dear Maki, you are always so on it!"

Theatre class was all practice for the final scene again. This time, my group had to practice outside the building the whole time.. while it was so windy! I just sat on the grass and faced against the wind to keep my hair from blowing into my face. After some effort, I think I've succeeded in memorizing all (or most) of my lines. The character I'm playing really talks too much.

After lunch with some of the other students at the cafeteria, I participated in the Phi Theta Kappa society's induction ceremony rehearsal, since I am going to be in it during the real thing on Saturday.
During Geography class, we got our midterm exam part 2 back! I got a 98 this time.. much better than the one before, and I'm very happy about it. :D

At home, we had a prayer meeting during which we decided what we're going to do for our Easter service. We're planning to do a sign dance and a special music, and invite one or two people... so exciting!
At night we watched the romantic comedy "While You Were Sleeping". It was really cute, and I liked Bill Pullman in it. :)

Hurray for tomorrow, which is a holiday!! I think I'll still have to study though..


At 4:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oooh, I loved Bill Pullman in Independence Day; want to watch While You Were Sleeping as well.


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