Thursday, April 06, 2006

Midterm finished!

This schoolweek is quickly drawing to an end! Today's music class went on just as usual, except that we received a take-home quiz to complete at home, because we didn't have enough time to take it in class. From next week, we're going to start doing student prentations, where students will give 10~15min presentations of their own music culture one by one. My turn won't come until the 25th of this month.

Theatre class was a bit unusual today. The teacher didn't come and left the students to plan out our final scenes by ourselves. Me and Oswald planned on some actions and stage setting for our scene. I am going to be the 14-year-old Anne Frank, and Oswald is going to be my father. :S Somehow I find that thought funny... I have yet to confirm the scene with the instructor though.

During and after lunch, Priscilla and I studied hard for our geography midterm, which was about to take place in 2 hours. Kaori and Sam, two of our classmates, studied with us. Just like Part 1 of our midterm, we took notes on a 3x5 index card and took it with us to class. My brain felt crammed after all that studying, but the actual exam did not contain much of the questions we had studied.

The test consisted of 25 multiple choice questions, 3 essays, and bonus questions worth up to 6 points. I got 2/3 of the bonus correct, so it at least means I get 4 points added to my final score. I sure hope I didn't screw it up...

After getting home, I took some time to relax, and made mabo-dofu for dinner. Erin and Priscilla were gone, so we didn't eat until after Priscilla came back. Well that too, but I went to my room after finishing cooking, and promptly fell asleep! That's one other reason why dinner was late tonight. :P

That's about all that happened today. Tomorrow I am planning to go to the campus lab to finish up my art project.

Oh, and the beaches which had been closed because of sewage spills and contamination caused by flooding, were opened again yesterday. I feel so sorry for the tourists who were here... no one was allowed to even step into the water during the time.


At 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh... the beach looks soooo nice!!!!

At 2:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

yeah...:D So different from Japan. And cool, Anne Frank!

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Elle said...

Yes, looks very different from Japan! Aaa! I wanna go and visit tehre. ^_^


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