Sunday, August 20, 2006

School starts tomorrow... aaahh!!! *ominous music*

Today, we brought Mr. and Mrs. Kanai over to our house and had a short chapel led by Erin before going over to Diamond Head Theater to attend a Sunday service at New Hope Diamond Head church. This was my first time to go to this New Hope church service, and it was a good, spirit-filled service.. the pastor's sermon, which was about the key of worship, was very good too.

After the service, we went by to eat dim sum at Happy Day, a Chinese restaurant. I love Happy Day, and I was so happy to be able to go there with the Kanais. :) There was so much food, even Peking duck, and we were all stuffed!

We parted with Mr. and Mrs. Kanai in the afternoon and went home. After a short relaxing time at home, all five of us (the four of us and Maria) decided to go watch the dance movie "Step Up". It was fun and cute, and I liked the romance scenes a lot! Not a movie for kids though.

The rest of the day was spent at home; Priscilla, Maria and I sort of watched the DVD of the film "Jacob", though we skipped many scenes, not because it was bad or anything, but because the story wasn't exactly the way it was in the Bible, and some things didn't make much sense. :P

While eating dinner, which consisted of the ample supply of leftovers we had from all our meals at restaurants. Mmm they were still good! While eating, we watched yet another movie! lol We watched Red Eye since Maria had been wanting to see it for some time. Very suspenseful the first time to watch, but after a few watches it's naturally not quite as exciting.

Oookay, school is starting tomorrow and Priscilla and I are getting ready right now. Since it's the first day, though, it will only be an introduction of what the classes will be like. The classes I will have tomorrow are: Sculpture, ESS (Exercise Sports & Science) and Speech. I'd better go off to bed soon as my sculpture class starts from 8:00am... so nighty night!


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