Thursday, February 09, 2006

Already Thursday again!

This morning, Priscilla and I walked to school because Naomi had the car. During music class I had a quiz, but fortunately it wasn't so difficult. Besides, the teacher gives us so many bonus questions that even if I get a couple mistakes, as long as I get the bonus right I can get a perfect score! Oh, and I just found out that the music class has no midterm. Hurray!

Theatre class today was one of the best we've had! There were about 15 students today, and we all sat around in one circle. These were today's rules:

1) The teacher puts an object in the middle and calls on two students to act.
2) The object can be used as anything except what it really is.
3) The first of the two students to have an idea must get to the object and start acting. The other must follow along.
4) The 2nd student must not ask "Who are you?", "What's that?", or "What're you doing?" to the 1st student.
5) The two students can call up other people to join in the act. There can be up to four in all.

Marni and I were called up first, and there was a bowling pin on the floor! Marni started by going to the bowling pin and exclaiming "Oh, my cat!" and started treating it like a dead cat. I just had to go there, tell her to bury it, and run off telling her that I will return with a shovel (but I didn't intend to, because I was the one who ran over her cat!). Eventually Marni called up another passerby and a vet, and one of them captured me and forcefully made me confess that I was the culprit. What a crazy story!

This was followed by even crazier stories! Other objects that later appeared were a skateboard, a telephone, a pig's head, and a dress. It was such a funny class and we were laughing most of the time!

We went to the cafeteria and ate lunch there with many of the other theatre students. They were really talkative, and there was much lively conversation.

At 1:30pm, Naomi picked me up and drove me home while Priscilla stayed on campus to join a Japanese tea ceremony practice. That must've been fun! I walked to school again in time for my 3:15pm geography class. We learned about hurricanes today... *yawn* But it was a little interesting when the teacher talked about the question "how natural are natural disasters?".

We walked home (yes, today involved a lot of walking!), then soon after that, Naomi and Erin came home and we went to Gap together. I got a couple of stuff there, because they were at a good price. Got back home and ate corn beef and rice for dinner.

We did praise and worship and opened up a Psalm for the prayer meeting time.

I hope that everyone who's sick in Japan will get well soon! Good night!


At 4:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are a danger to animals. The poor cat...

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Elle said...

Poor cat o_0


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