Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Art project 1 is officially over!!

This morning on campus was a rather hectic one, because I had to prepare the final presentation for my art project. There was much to do: burn a CD of all my files, print out a nice copy of the picture, glue it onto a bristol board, then cut the bristol board with 1 inch margins. I also had to go buy some manila envelopes to enclose everything in. Oh, and I also had to print out a grading sheet. Aaanyway, to put all that aside...

I think my artwork didn't turn out bad, though I have to say that I don't really like the concept of it. The teacher said that a few of the students deserve an "A" for this project... I wonder which ones she was referring to! We are immediately getting into our next project, which is a picture that describes me (Maki), made with Photoshop. This should be interesting!

English class was not very fun, as usual. Five people went up and gave presentations of Hawaiian poems. It's not that the teacher is bad or anything... I just think that English is a difficult subject to make fun and interesting.

I walked home after class, and when I arrived, Pastor had already arrived here! :D It was sooo good to see him, and it feels a little funny because having him here makes me feel a little like being in Japan again!

I spent a few hours of the day doing some homework, including the reaction paper for the African "concert" I'd gone to on Sunday. During dinner, Erin, Priscilla and I watched the latest American Idol, which was the turn for the 12 male finalists to sing. Some were really good, and others were so-so (I'm so picky!). The viewers get to vote for their favorite singer after the show.

Gotta go to bed now to prepare for a long day tomorrow!


At 3:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure you'll get a good score in your art's pretty interesting.


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