Sunday, February 19, 2006

Yaay Japanese food!!

This morning, we had breakfast that Naomi had gotten from Jack in the Box, then had our service. It was Erin's turn to lead the service, and her sermon was titled "Holy Offering". It was about how we easily stray from the original faith and go towards the softer, more human love, and how we must think back to the time of the Old Testament and realize how much harder it was to follow the Laws then.

Soon after the service was over, the four of us left home and walked around the Kaimuki area, looking for a room for our church. There were some vacant places available, and there was one particular place which we liked. We'll have to pray about it to make sure which place is right. We eventually reached a Japanese restaurant called "Bozu" and had our lunch there. The food was real authentic Japanese stuff, and I loved my udon & tempura.

After walking back home and taking a little break, Erin and I went to the Honolulu Academy of Arts, which is a big museum. We went because there was an African Safari going on, and it could count as one of my 5 concerts. Best thing was, it was free! Actually, there wasn't much music... only three percussionists and three dancers/singers. I think that the paper I'm going to write for this one will be harder than the Chinese one I did before.

There were quite a few kids around because they had activities for kids at the place. Erin and I went to the museum shop for some time, then got home at around 4:00pm.

For the rest of the day, I worked a little on my geographic profile of Scotland. It's progressing slowly, but I'm sure I'll finish in time (it's due on Thursday).

Tomorrow is President's Day, and there's no school!! *is excited* However, we don't have any plans, and it's probably going to be very crowded everywhere. Hmm wonder what I'll do...


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