Monday, February 27, 2006

The art project result is here!!

This morning, I was so sleepy and couldn't stop yawning during class! I hope the teachers didn't think me rude or anything. During the art class, we started learning about basic tools of Photoshop. We also got back our first project with the results... I got 96 out of 100, which is an A! *claps* So happy! The only problems the instructor found with my work were a few minor technical things.

Next, I went to the freezing English classroom, where the last 5 students gave their poetry presentations. In one week, we have to submit the anthology about the Hawaiian culture. Because the instructor expects us to spend a lot of time on it, there will be no English class this Wednesday. Hurray!! Then, we will all bring food on Monday and party while we give our anthology presentations. How fun!

Erin and I drove home together; on the way back, we got some takeout food from nearby restaurants. I got Korean food, which I LOVE! Mmmm kimchi! It was really big, though, so I ate it for lunch & dinner today, and it is still not finished.

Among other things I did today, I took pictures of objects that I might use for my next art project. All of them are supposed to be symbolic... and must describe what I am.

Hmm.. what could this be? :)

And these?

I'm not a rose person, but I thought this might come in handy.
After dinner (which was that Korean food again), I studied for my music quiz tomorrow. It's going to be about Indian and Indonesian music. Hope it's not too hard!
Pastor is leaving tomorrow morning.. a very short stay. :( It was wonderful to have him here!


At 12:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Woot, that's a good score! Lol, yeah, those pictures do describe your personality. :D


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