Thursday, February 23, 2006

A day of crazy classes

This morning's music class took place at the Lama Library so that we could learn how to do reserach on our final essay. Fortunately, that essay is not due until close to the end of April. There were a lot of students who did not show up for this session, so the ones who did attend it got an extra 5 points! :D

During the theatre class, we got to do a simple but fun dance as practice and warm-up. The improvised scene that came later turned out really crazy. I went in and joined as the head of the nuns (there was another nun already in the scene, and the scene took place at a nunnery. As it went on, it got just a little too crazy, and I had no idea what was going on. Hopefully, that didn't show too much.

After having lunch with the theatre group, I went to the library to research a little for my music report. Deadline is still far, but it doesn't hurt to start preparing early! I just like spending time at the library.. it is so quiet and peaceful, and I could just stay there forever, surrounded by books!

Today's geography class was almost like another acting class! We got into five teams: two imaginary countries (Kuma & Moldachi) in dispute over possession of land and water supply, the U.S. mediators, the NGO (emvironmentalists), and... terrorists!! We all sat around and "discussed" the dispute, trying to solve the water problem. Priscilla and I, along with two others, were the NGO, interested only in the environment, plants and animals.. not for humans. Terrorists weren't invited to the "conference", but barged into the room and started kidnapping people one by one (Priscilla was one of those hostages)!

Got back home, cooked dinner for the three of us because Pastor and Naomi were out tonight. Once again, we watched American Idol while eating. Now the contestants are down to 20!

Oh yeah, and Japan FINALLY won a gold medal in the Olympics! Yay for Japan!!


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