Sunday, February 26, 2006

A great and eventful Sunday!

This morning, we all went to the 8:30am service at the Kaimuki church. It had been a few months since we'd gone there last, so it was nice to see the 8:30 people again. Naomi performed a Hula dance with two others, and it was beautiful!

We got back home and started our own service at around 11:30am. Pastor gave the sermon today and talked about what is going on with our churches. It was very encouraging and exciting to hear about all that's going on now. It was close to 1:00pm when we finished, but it did not feel long at all.

We were very hungry, though, so Pastor took all four of us to eat at Dixie Grill. Erin and I shared a fish fries sandwich, because it was too large to eat by myself. The fish was really good! :) Naomi got some catfish, Priscilla had ribs, and Pastor had fried shrimp and fish.

After lunch, we went over directly to Joe's house, where the four of us relaxed (?) and/or played with Nika and Kaila while Pastor talked with Joe. They are two very funny kids, and watching them never gets boring! We watched a part of the Veggietales Jonah and a video of the Land Before Time series. It's so nice that the kids have a TV in their own room (though they can't reach it)! I kinda wish I had that when I was small!

We got home at around 6:00pm... Pastor, Naomi and Priscilla left again during dinnertime, so Erin and I ate at home. Finally, I finished the list of 30 words that would describe me. I am quite confident as I already have in my head a pretty good image of what I want my completed project to look like. The problem lies in whether I can master Photoshop well enough to make it what I want it to be.

Sorry, no pictures again! I haven't taken any good ones in a while..


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