Wednesday, March 08, 2006

An easy schoolday

I had only one class (Art class) again today, because my English instructor lost her wallet and went to get a new one this morning. Art class was mostly individual work day, during which we can work on our own project and listen to our own music. :) I like working on the Photoshop project in class, but I get a little nervous every time the teacher walks up behind me!! \(O.o)/

I went home with Priscilla after class finished at 10:30am. At home, I spent a couple hours writing a concert response for last week's Cats performance. I have 2 more concerts to go to in the semester (actually there are 3, but I don't know if I can find a Native American concert in the next couple months).

In the afternoon, I chatted with some people and started a charcoal drawing which I have not yet finished... charcoal takes so much getting used to! Or maybe it's proper training that I need.

Naomi prepared dinner for us, and we ate that before watching American Idol. I like the guys on AI better than the girls. I also happen to like guys who can sing (well).
I saw the latest X-men 3 trailer tonight! *is excited* I so want to see this, and it's nice that it will be released worldwide at the same time. In case I'm in Japan at the time, I won't have to wait!

Tomorrow is Priscilla's birthday!! :D


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...



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