Thursday, March 02, 2006

One Midterm done! Lots more to go...

This morning's music class was very interesting.. we listed literally dozens of names of American Indian tribes and described their lifestyle depending upon the region. The funny thing is that next Tuesday, we have to get into about 7 different groups, representing different tribes. Each tribe is supposed to speak different languages (or gibberish), and do what it is assigned to do. My tribe has to "travel around, asking permission from other tribes to travel through their lands". Only this is probably going to cause trouble as we can't speak the same language! I have a feeling that there is going to be a hostile tribe somewhere. It's going to be funny to do all of this in class!

During theatre class, we learned about positions on stage, which was very interesting. The last half of the class, which was a scene done by some other students, were totally weird, and I did not like it!

After having lunch with the other students at the cafeteria as usual, Priscilla and I moved over to another table in the cafeteria to study for our geography midterm with another Japanese student, called Kaori. She's a very nice girl, and I think she was very happy that we could help her study. We studied fervently (?) for about 2 hours, then went to class!

The actual exam was not so bad: 25 multiple choice questions, 3 essay questions. There was one bonus question as well, and I got it correct! I don't think I did that bad, though there are most likely a few mistakes.

Naomi cooked curry for dinner! :D Mmm.. I didn't think I missed Japanese curry so much! In the evening and at night, I worked on my Anthology homework a little more and did other random things.

There is no school tomorrow! There's some kind of "No Instruction Day" or something. I'm sure that students and teachers alike are happy... I certainly am!

Woah, it's raining very heavily outside.. hope the weather won't be so bad tomorrow.


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