Sunday, April 23, 2006

2 more weeks of school (+ finals)!

For the Sunday service this morning, Erin played the keyboards and I the guitar during worship. It was Erin's turn to lead, and she gave a sermon entitled something like "Walking in Jesus Christ". Since we had not done our communion last week during the Easter service, we did it today. :)

For lunch, we went out and got food from Panda Express. I like that place a lot, although it's not all authentic Chinese food. There was a lot of food, so we had enough leftovers to eat for dinner.

During the afternoon, I played with Flash some more while Priscilla watched King Kong. Well, I had some spare time too, and found scratchpaper all over my desk, so I decided to draw. After a while I found myself drawing anime cartoons. Just so you know, I'm not into the weird anime stuff.. but I am Japanese after all and learning to become an artist, so I guess I should at least know how to draw stuff like these.

I personally think anyone can draw anime... all you got to do is make the eyes astonishingly huge/sparkly and make the nose tiny and pointy. lol

Only 2 more weeks of lectures left!! I really really can't wait to finish up and go back home!

Oh, and great to hear that the church Garage Sale went well!! :)


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