Saturday, April 29, 2006

The last lab class!

Not much worth mentioning happened today... I stayed at home in the morning, typing away at the computer writing an essay to hand in with my scholarship application. What fun! I'm really hoping that I will be able to get this scholarship though.. it would be helpful.

In the afternoon, Priscilla and I went to our very last geography lab class. Basically, we got to go outside in the sun and watch water soak into the soil. Sounds exciting doesn't it? lol Well actually it wasn't that boring, since we did it in groups. We stuck cylinders into various types of soil, poured water into it, and counted how long it took for the water to soak through.
Hurray no more Friday class!!

After getting home, I relaxed a little before we all went to the 7:00pm service at the Kaimuki church. The church was having some people from Nebraska Christian College over for a kind of mission trip, so the professor from that place gave the sermon tonight. From next week they're going to do a series on Da Vinci Code, so I'm a bit curious about what that will be like.

We went out to eat at Chili's before heading back home, then watched one episode of Monk. Very fun and relaxing way to spend Friday night! :)


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