Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Countdown: 1 more day of lectures!

Today was my very last day of class for music, theatre and geography. It was kinda sad to know that it's all finished now, especially theatre class. But these last classes were great!

Music class went on as usual, except we were given take-home finals to hand in next week.

Theatre class was a lot of fun. Since both Priscilla and I had finished our own final scenes already, we got to watch others act and rate their performances. One of the groups did so well and I was impressed, while others were not so great. After class was over, we spent almost 30 minutes saying good-bye. I really loved this class!

Priscilla went home in the afternoon while I stayed on campus, had lunch, and went to talk to a couselor about my second and last year at KCC.

Geography class was pretty fun, too. We did a quiz game, and Priscilla and my group beat the rest of them! Muwahahaha!! Our teacher is not going to be there for the finals, but another person will be watching over us next Thursday as we take it.

After walking home after class, we had dinner and watched American Idol, which is getting more and more interesting because the contestants are getting fewer. Well that's about all that happened today, to put it briefly. :) Tomorrow is the last day~~~~!!


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