Thursday, December 29, 2005

"Do you hear the people sing~?"

On December 28, I went on a trip to Osaka to see the Toho production of Les Miserables at the Umeda theatre. I had one of the best seats in the stall, and the cast on that day was really great... especially Valjean, who was performed by the king of Japanese musical theatre, Yuichiro Yamaguchi! I think it was the last day on which that day's cast members performed together.

I arrived outside the theatre early in order to see the cast and ensemble on their way into the building. A bunch of Yamaguchi fans were there already, readying their cameras. I thought it was funny that Yamaguchi had to have three bodyguards(?) to keep the rabid fans at bay! He was still nice, though, and did high-five with a lot of people before disappearing into the building.

Yuichiro Yamaguchi's Valjean was even better than I'd expected! He has a great voice, his stage presence makes other performers almost disappear before my eyes, and his acting was superb. There are three other Valjeans this year, but it's no wonder that the tickets for his performance get sold out so quickly! He's also about the right age for the part. (He's 49, though he does not look or act his age!)

A few others were really great as well... Koujiro Oka was really good as Javert. He had been playing an excellent Enjolras for about 8 years before being bumped up to the role of Javert 2 years ago. His interpretation of that role was very well done, and his last suicide scene was amazing! I hear there's another guy who plays Javert just as well though.

Marius was played by Kouki Okada, who had the perfect voice for Marius. My only complaint is that he had his long hair tied down behind his back! Eewww... he looked so weird! Also, he's getting a bit old to play the part; the man is about 40! When he goes on stage with Ishii, the youngest Valjean, Marius is older than Valjean!

Eponine, played by ANZA, had a cute voice which reminded me of Kaho Shimada in the CSR. She sometimes acted too cute, though, and that was evident in her voice.

I didn't like Kenji Sakamoto's Enjolras very much... although he had a good voice, I felt that he was too short to play the part. He is a good acrobat and can do lots of stunts... he used to be Simba in Lion King. However, he was shorter than Valjean, Javert, Marius, Grantaire, and most of the other students! Not a very leader-like figure.

Overall, I loved that day's performance; no one made any big mistakes. Yamaguchi tends to mix up his words a lot ("I'm Vean Jalvean!"), but on that day he didn't! Whew... Some of my favorite moments were the "Waltz of Teachery", during which the Thenardiers threw little Cosette around like a rag doll, and of course the beautiful "Bring Him Home"!

During the curtain call, the cast threw small bouquets of flowers at the audience. Yamaguchi, being the funny guy that he is, made the two little girls, Cosette and Eponine, remain on stage to wave and bow down again and again and again after all the other members had gone away. Now I want to see an English Les Mis! The Japanese translation was very well done, but it's still impossible to put all the words and meanings of the original English into it. It's still one of Japan's most popular and longest running musicals.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Last Day in Hawaii this year

Today started off with our Sunday service. It was Erin's turn to lead again, and we listened to one of Pastor's recent English sermons titled "A Fruitful Life". Poor Naomi seemed to have a splitting headache today, but she survived the service and the rest of the busy day (LOL!).

After the service, at around 12:30pm, Ericson took the four of us to Genki Sushi, where his father works. Though we're going to have plenty of sushi when we get to Japan, we were still happy to go there... there are some dishes like the California Roll and the spicy tuna that cannot be found in Japan.

In this picture, we are seen waiting for our seats.

Thank you Ericson for taking us there and for offering to help carry our luggage to the airport!

After we got home, Naomi and Priscilla went to do their last shopping. At around 4:00pm they got back, and it was me and Erin's turn to go next. The two of us went to Kahala Mall, where we bought some things at the Hallmark store. I also picked up some cardboards to package my paintings.

Soon after Erin and I got home, we all left the house, since Aunt Jean had invited us out to dinner together with Reed and his son Chris. We went to Buzz's Steak & Lobster again, the place where our friend Eric works. Buzz's is going to close down early next month, so this was our last visit to the place.

The food was delicious, just as it had been on our first visit. Eric was fun and entertaining as usual, and gave us a nice discount. I had a kind of seafood dish that had chunks of ginger mahi-mahi (a type of fish) and mashed potatoes.

For dessert, Erin and I shared a macademia nut ice cream... mmm!! I couldn't smile in this picture because I had ice cream in my mouth.

After we got home, we did the last of our packing. Oooh it felt like a lot of physical labor.. well at least it's now finished. I don't even want to think of carrying it all myself... not yet, anyway.

Can't wait to get home and see everyone!! Good-bye, till we meet in person! ;) *waves*

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Started packing!

Sorry about not updating the blog yesterday... we stayed up rather late watching a movie, then I felt too sleepy to write the blog. I was thinking of writing it this morning, but wow I felt so lazy today in the morning I didn't write!

Today, the last Saturday in Hawaii this year, I didn't go outside at all. The most important thing I did was start packing. I enjoy packing because it gets me into the "traveling" mood. At first, when I opened the gigantic black case, I didn't know where to start... there were so many things! But once I got started, I fit everything in pretty nicely. It's not quite done yet, but it will be done tomorrow!

I also burnt some CDs to take home. It was funny when I was going to burn the photos in My Pictures onto a CD and declared aloud that "I'm going to burn all my pictures!", which shocked Priscilla for a moment because she took it literally! LOL

In the evening, Naomi and Erin went to a Kaimuki church party, and Priscilla went to a showing of the Nut Cracker ballet performance with some of her ballet friends. I stayed at home and had a nice relaxing time. Not a very eventful day, but nevertheless exciting because I'll be home in just 2 days!

Here's one of the first pictures of me in Hawaii... my hair looks much shorter.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Behold, the 8th wonder of the world!

Today, we slept till pretty late in the morning... I did not wake up until 9:30am. It's a bit strange to not have any class to go to; every day feels like Friday or Saturday.

At 11:40am, we drove to Ward Theatres, where Naomi dropped the three of us off. The movie we watched today was King Kong, which had been released only yesterday! This one was Peter Jackson's remake of the old film made in the 1930's.

This picture is from the old one, not the one we watched today! Peter Jackson's version was much cooler...

Although I've never watched the old film, I knew some of the famous scenes from it, so I liked it that Peter Jackson kept so many of those scenes in his film without changing it.

Andy Serkis (Gollum) played a very different kind of character from LotR, and it was interesting to see him do something different (although he got killed off). Naomi Watts made a wonderful Miss Darrell, and Jack Black was so good as the obsessed director.

It was a great remake, and some scenes were really visual and beautiful, but I wouldn't recommend kids watching it... this movie is not overrated! Some of the scenes involving gigantic bugs and worms and other creepy crawly man-eating things were pretty gross.

Ooh, and there was the teaser trailer for X-men 3 before the movie! Ooh it looks so cool I can't wait!! I'm so looking forward to seeing some of the new characters, like Beast and Angel!

We looked at some clothes at Nordstrom Rack before going home. King Kong was a 3-hour-long movie, so it was evening by the time we got home. I didn't do anything very productive for the rest of the day... we ate leftovers for dinner, since we had plenty of those.

Only 4 more days till we go home!! :D

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A shopping day!

This morning, we decided to all go to Costco together to buy stuff to take home to Japan. Costco was, as usual, pretty crowded. We enjoyed looking at the DVD and CD section, which always has new stuff in stock. I ended up buying some snacks, plus a set of puppet birds which I thought was really cute! They will probably scare my poor little birds at home!

We bought food at Costco (I love their pizza!) and ate in the car on the way home. It was a hot day today, so we lazed about at home for a couple hours before Priscilla went to her last final exam of this semester. After she came back, Erin and I went to Kahala Mall to do some more shopping.

*sigh* My shopping list (from my mother) never seems to end! However, I am now almost done with all the shopping! I bought a nice towel and potholder for my grandmother, and lots of chocolate for other relatives, etc.

When we came back, there was a package that had just arrived from Naomi's friend Debra. In the package were early Christmas gifts for the four of us! She gave me a picture of Monet's painting to hang up on the wall, and also a nice-smelling thing to put on the head when relaxing. I'm very happy with the gifts!

In the evening, we went down to Waikiki to celebrate the end of our semester at the Cheesecake Factory! There were lots of tourists there, as always, but we didn't have to wait very long.

I must admit that the entrance looks rather intimidating, but the waiters were all really nice, and the food was all excellent, especially the cheesecake (doh). Every dish was huge and American; Here is Erin with her beef something dish.

We went home feeling very full and content... and happy that we finished our semester. I hope that the next semester will go just as well as this one!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My very last class for this year! *sniff*

This morning, we woke up and almost immediately started studying for the history exam, which was to take place today from 10:00am to 12:00pm. We'd studied all night yesterday, but still felt the need to study some more!

The final exam turned out to be not so difficult, although there were 5 short essays (identifications) to write. I think that I will get an A for this class unless I did terrible on the final!

We finished up the test at around 11:30am and were picked up by Naomi; we picked up sushi for lunch before going home. While eating the delicious sushi, we watched 2 episodes of Hogan's Heroes. They were so funny!!

From 1:45pm, I went to my last art class... it was a critique on our last two paintings. The paintings were all complete, so we put them side by side against the wall to see them and comment on them one by one.

Mr. Sunabe, the art instructor, admiring (?) his students' works.

Since there were two paintings per student, it took some time to critique each and every one of them.

After about an hour, we took a break and ate the food some of the students had brought. There were doughnuts, croissants, French and sourdough bread, chili and rice, chips, and a few more stuff which I can't remember! It was almost like a second lunch, and I was full for the rest of the afternoon.

Mr. Sunabe commented on my last painting (the Hawaiian one) as a contemporary form of impressionism... while most students went to the more modern, abstract styles for their last scenery, my painting retained the characteristics of impressionism. So I guess I am still labeled as an Impressionist. :)

Some of these other students' paintings are really good, too! (mine's on the very left)

In the end, I managed to snap a group picture before everyone left. It's kinda sad to think that the group won't be getting together again, since we got to know each other pretty well over the semester. I really enjoyed this class, and I can't wait to take an intermediate painting class in one of my later semesters!

Erin came to pick me up, and I took home all my art supplies and other random things that had accumulated at the studio.

I'm so relieved to have finished every class finals for this semester! Now to wait for the final grades...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Two done, two to go!

Soon after waking up this morning, we started preparing for our math final exam today. We were allowed to have 4 sheets of paper for notes on which to write down all the equations and formulas. I also studied just a little for the ASL class which I also had to take today... but only a little bit, since that exam was to be very short.

At around 12:00pm we went to the math classroom to find that most of the students were there, already working on their test. The test happened to be all multiple choice, with 20 questions in all. It was easier than I'd expected, and just to make sure I hadn't made any stupid mistakes, I checked them over and over! I think that over half of the time there was spent double-checking!

Since we finished the test in just one hour, we went to the book store then to the cafeteria, where we started studying for tomorrow's history class. Nichelle soon joined us, and the three of us made a well-organized study guide.

From 2:30pm, I went up to Mokihana, my ASL building, and had a 10 minute, one-to-one conversation with Crissy, the ASL instructor. It was really easy, though I forgot one or two signs. She simply started by asking me my name, then the school I graduated from... in the end she made me draw out in the air a weird shape, to practice describing/picturing shapes with ASL. I'm sure I'll get an A for this class.

I joined Priscilla and Nichelle at the cafeteria again and studied for another 30 minutes before Nichelle drove us back to our house. At home, we watched one old black&white movie, called "It Started with Eve". Aside from dinner and a couple episodes of Hogan's Heroes, the rest of the day was spent studying for the history test.

I am not sure how the history exam will turn out; it covers everything from the Republican Rome to the Renaissance. It will be from 10:00am to 12:00pm tomorrow!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A veeerry eventful Sunday!

Today started out with all four of us having breakfast together (which happens only on Sunday). It was Naomi's turn for leading our service, and her sermon was about our need to fear the Lord. Our church, now called the House of Chloe Church, is taking a new step right now and needs lots of prayers.

At around noon, Naomi and Priscilla went off with Aunt Jean and her boyfriend Reed, to fly in an airplane and a glider (read about it in Priscilla's blog). Erin and I, meanwhile, decided to go to the beach. It was a sudden decision, but soon we were all ready to go! We went to the Kahala Beach, which is a kind of local beach... it was so quiet, unpopulated, and beautiful!

We drew figures on the sand, played around with what the waves washed up, and Erin even took a nap in the sun! Here is a beautiful view of Cocohead from the beach.

The kind of view you get when you lie on your back on the sand.

Since Erin was half asleep in the sun, I played around with some random stuff lying about. Here is a weird, grinning face...

Does this look like a boat?

A very sad moment in which my name was obliterated by the waves... :(

Oh look, a teeny tiny crab (I thought it was a bug at first)! Its eyes look like they're bulging from the pressure of my fingers! LOL Don't worry, I let it go later.

After the beach, we shopped at Longs Drugstore and went back home a while before Naomi and Priscilla returned from their experience in the air.

From 5:30pm, we went to a fine dining place called Nick's Fishmarket for a party of the sign dancing team of the Kaimuki Church. There were about 20 people there in all, and the food was all delicious! Mmmmm escargo!! Later there were some games and lots of passing Christmas gifts around. I didn't get many pictures of the party, but I'm sure you'll find them in Priscilla's blog. :)

We got home at around 9:00pm, carrying some gifts that we had received.

There are two final exams for me tomorrow... wish me luck!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Long Live Aslan!

In the morning today, Priscilla went off to her drum lesson at church. I stayed at home and did a few things, such as clean the house and organize the Christmas gifts I got for everyone (to prapare to wrap them).

At around 12:20pm, Erin, Priscilla and I drove to Ward Theatres to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe! I'd heard all kinds of good things about this movie (which came out just yesterday), but it was even better than I'd expected... I was quite impressed!

All the four kids were perfect for their roles... Lucy was really cute, unlike the one in the BBC version. Edmund, Susan, and Peter were great, too... Peter was kinda cute.

The story was very true to the book as well, and what little change that they made didn't bother me at all. And the White Witch... ooh she was scary.. so tall! and really cool, especially during the battle scene!

I was also amazed that they made the action and battle scenes very exciting while keeping it within the PG limit. It was well done, without any gore or needless violence (and other ugly stuff).

I loved the movie... I might even get a DVD when it comes out!

After we left the theatre, we went to Piers 1 Imports to buy Christmas gifts for a party we're going to tomorrow. On the way back home, we picked up Macdonald burgers to eat for dinner.

Most of the rest of the evening and night was spent wrapping the Christmas gifts. The square-shaped ones are easy, but those soft, irregularly shaped ones!! Well, at least I am almost done now.

Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm looking forward to listening to a sermon from home!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Relaxing Friday... and an interesting dinnertime theology discussion

This morning was Priscilla's ballet final exam performance, so Naomi and I went to see it and take some pictures. The performance was really nice and beautiful. Afterwards we stayed on to watch some modern dancing... some were good but some were rather weird. I don't really get those dances where they crawl and writhe on the floor.

I finished up the final touches to my painting after leaving the theater building. I like this painting, but to me it looks a bit too much like a photograph and not very painterly. We'll have our last art critique next Tuesday, and that will be the end of my art class. :(

After walking home, I stayed at home and did various things, like chat with people and watch Hogan's Heroes with Priscilla.

In the evening, all of us went to the Friday evening service at the Kaimuki Church. The worship is becoming more Christmassy now. :) It was interesting when we sang "Silent Night" in Hawaiian. The sermon was about the Narnia Chronicles again... more specifically, about temptation and the "Turkish delight".

After the service was over, Naomi, Priscilla, Brandon and Christi, Matt, Ardell and I went to the delicious Kyoto ramen place again! While eating, Brandon started a serious kind of discussion on questions like "what is heaven?". It was mostly Brandon and Naomi who did the discussing, but Priscilla and I were of course listening attentively and were with Naomi all the way.
I think it was a good discussion, although it made me very sleepy at the end.

Tomorrow we're going to see Narnia!! Cannot wait!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm not sure whether to call this the end of the semester or not...

Today we had our very last normal classes of this semester. History class was about the Renaissance (ha, spelled it right!) and the Reformation. Naturally, we learned about important figures such as Martin Luther, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Machiavelli. I like learning about the Renaissance period, so it was really fun to have it as the topic for our last class.

Priscilla and I had the authentic Japanese ramen for lunch while watching Hogan's Heroes.

My last art class in the afternoon was surprisingly empty... only 7 students showed up! What a shame... but it provided a better atmosphere for painting, at least for me. There was Christmas music turned on throughout the class. Now my painting is almost done!! Things that must be fixed include the color of the mountains in the background, the cars, and the round-ish tree on the right.

I walked back from school with Erin for the last time this semester (Erin's only final exam next week is ASL). Naomi made curry rice for dinner. Mmmmm! I hadn't had curry in a long time so it was really good!

We had prayer meeting in our room after dinner, then Priscilla and I watched the show Maverick, which was about an hour long. Finally, I chatted with some people then went to take a shower.

Tomorrow morning, I'll go see Priscilla's ballet class performance! Can't wait! :D

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The First out of Four Finals is Finished!

Wow, the title has an alliteration... four F's!
Today we had our last ASL class in the morning. It was a nice surprise when one of the girls brought orange juice, pog (passion orange guava) juice, and bread from the bakery for all the students! :D Since I'd already eaten breakfast before class, I ended up having two breakfasts today... just like a Hobbit!

Our English class today was also the last one. We wrote an essay for our final exam in class, and although it was a bit difficult, I'm sure I'll still get an A for this English class. It's kinda sad to think that the class won't ever get together again, but at least Priscilla can still keep in touch with Nichelle, one of our classmates, next semester.

Finally, after our lunch break, came our last normal math class (wow it's the last of all three classes today!). We had another practice test, which wasn't too difficult... I'm still not too confident about the math test, though.

Walked home, chatted with some people, made a schedule of next semester's classes, then was asked to go to Times supermarket to buy something (but foolishly bought the wrong thing by mistake).
Dinner was Naomi's spring rolls, potatoes, and broccoli.

Tomorrow is our very last normal day of school! Oh yes, and the pictures from yesterday's blog are up now... there's the painting which I'm going to try to finish tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

An easy-going Tuesday

This morning, I woke up quite a bit later than Priscilla because for some reason I was feeling extremely sleepy. At least it was Tuesday, and I still had a full hour before leaving for history class.

We had one easy quiz today, our last one before the final exam. Then we learned a bit about the Mongolian Empire and Ghenghis Khan. We also learned of a guy named Cheng Ho (or Zheng He), the "Christopher Columbus of China". He led a huge fleet of 300 ships and 28000 men and sailed to very many places. The size of his flagship was astonishing!

During our lunch break, we ate while watching Hogan's Heroes again. Hehe, we've been watching it every day recently!

My art class in the afternoon was somewhat smaller than usual, with a few people missing. I am moving on rather slowly with my current painting... I have two more days at most to finish it up.

I walked home with Erin, then took a short break before dinner, which was frozen pizza. Frozen pizza here is pretty realistic and good! While watching, we watched yet another Hogan's Heroes episode!

I did some ASL homework after dinner, but otherwise spent the night just chatting and doing random stuff.

Oh, and here's a cute picture I took on the way home from campus: a green gecko on an aloe flower. It's a little blurry because I was in a hurry.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The last week of school... well, sort of

Today was more or less a normal Monday, except that we are starting to prepare for the final exam.

During ASL class, we practiced for final exam, which like I said will be a 10-minute conversation with the teacher, one to one. Our teacher makes it so easy for us; she's even given us study guides just for the final.

Our English class was pretty normal, too, and we all snickered in silence while the weird guy Gordon started babbling about his friends again and couldn't seem to stop. To think that I might be in the same English 257 class with him again! *groan*

After lunch break at home and watching an episode from the TV show Maverick , Priscilla and I went to our math class, where we got our test results... this time, we both got perfect score! ;D Me is very happy!!

After walking back home, I spent most of the time doing random things until dinner time, when we ate hamburgers and eggplant while watching F Troop, yet another funny TV show.

Right now, including all final exams, I have 1 more English class, 2 more math classes, 2 art classes (no test!), 3 history classes, and 3 of ASL.... and that's it! We're done!! :D Okay before I get too excited about it, I'd better prepare myself for the finals.

Sorry.. no pics today!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Great morning service (and shopping in the afternoon)

Today, Erin led our church service in the morning. She played the keyboards during worship while I played the guitar. I think that my guitar skills are still rather rusty... must practice more often! We listened to another one of my father's sermons, the one entitled "Experience in the Desert". He preached that God uses people who have experienced the desert and are humble, like Moses after 40 years as a shepherd.

For lunch, we went to eat at CPK (Californian Pizza Kitchen) at Kahala Mall, though it was crowded as usual and we had to shop and wait for some time. After we had eaten good pizza and jambalaya, Naomi and Priscilla went off by car to do some shopping at Walmart and other places while Erin and I stayed at Kahala Mall.

Erin actually had work to do, so she stayed and worked on her laptop at Starbucks. I went shopping by myself, and found Christmas gifts for all the KCIS kids back home in Japan. I also found some other gifts as well, but what they are is a secret because the people I'm giving them to might be reading this blog. :P

This is the hall of Kahala Mall, looking all Christmassy.

Erin and I shopped together for the last hour or so, and while we were shopping, there was rain and thunder outside! Ooh scary. We looked around at several places before Naomi and Priscilla came back with the car and picked us up to go home.

I'm glad I finished a lot of the Christmas shopping today, and in a kind of relaxing way. We spent the rest of the day at home and ate rice and gyoza for dinner.

From tomorrow starts the last normal week of school! :D Hurray!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

A day spent entirely at home

There is really not much to write about today because the only time I stepped out of the house was when I checked the mail this morning. For the rest of the day, I did many things at home, but towards the evening I started to run out of things to do (there was not even homework). Priscilla and Naomi went to see a movie at Ward Theatre in the morning.

For lunch, Priscilla and Naomi made om-rice. It was reeaaally good! In the afternoon Priscilla went to babysit at Connie's house again. Erin was at home all day with me, because she had lots of projects to finish!

Naomi got us burgers and fries from Kahala Mall for dinner, and since I was in the mood for some kind of burger (fast food), it was perfect!

Random pic of the day: Naomi's sign dance performance on Thanksgiving Eve.

Friday, December 02, 2005

A nice relaxing day at home

There was a quiz today during ASL class (the last one before finals!), and for some reason everyone in class, including the instructor, seemed sleepy. It's good to have the only Friday class in the morning because I get the rest of the day off!

Erin had to be dropped off by Naomi at her intern place at 10:00am, so I went along with them downtown, and after Erin was dropped off, Naomi and I went to Fishers Warehouse, where there is "everything you can think of". It's a wholsale warehouse place that sells lots of stationery, interesting toys, and Christmas stuff. We spent only 30 minutes there, but it was a good thing we hadn't stayed longer, or I would've ended up spending much more money than I did. It was a really fun place... I got some nice Christmas gifts for friends. Gotta go there again some time!

After I got home and Naomi had left again, this time for a meeting, I was the only one left in the house. Not that I minded! :) I had all kinds of fun by myself (don't worry I didn't do anything bad), doing computer and reading a book. I also chatted with my Auntie in order to ask her to identify a certain Japanese Phantom by listening to the voice... I hate listening to something without knowing who is singing in it.

In the afternoon, Naomi and Priscilla returned (Priscilla left soon after for her ballet class). I think I spent most of the afternoon reading the Veritas Quest book... I am getting close to the climax now! I think I've been reading it for over a month, because though I'm not too slow a reader, I tend to read on and off.

In the evening, Erin came home from her intern, looking rather drained. She stayed behind and went shopping while Naomi and I went to the Kaimuki Church's evening service. Priscilla couldn't go because she was at Connie's house babysitting while the parents went to the Eagles concert (iina~)! The sermon that Paster Ron preached at KCC was the beginning of a new series that explains the spiritual messages behind C. S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia" (because the movie's being released soon). I thought it was more suited for studies rather than for sermons, but well, it was kinda interesting. Today's sermon only covered the very first part of the first book, up till the part where all four children step into the wardrobe. I've a feeling this is going to be a long series....
I went home after the service and ate dinner.

Priscilla's still not back yet from her babysitting job... I wonder how long that Eagles concert is. According to a classmate who's been there, it's over 4 hours long! Ooooh, now I feel like listening to "Hotel California"! *goes off to rummage through music files for the song*

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A very "interesting" history class

In our history class today, we discussed the relationship between man and women, the reason for the dominance of man, and why women are pressured to do many things in order to look beautiful. The example Mr. Cassity gave was the hobbled, bound feet customary among China's wealthy women from the Song dynasty to 1902. When young, they would bind their feet tighter and tighter until the feet were deformed, only 3 inches long! Scary thought...

Then they would wear tiny shoes like this.

Mr. Cassity was pretty descriptive about the whole process of binding the feet... pretty icky stuff.

After a good lunch at home and a Hogan's Heroes episode, we went to our afternoon classes.

My fourth painting, I'm glad to say, seems to be going pretty well. Although it's still not very developed, Mr. Sunabe stopped me at the end of the class to say that it's turning out very well. :) The red parts in the picture is the underpainting.

It's from a photo taken near our house, and it is really fun to work on!

I walked home after class, then Priscilla and I FINALLY washed our car! It must've been almost 2 months since we'd last washed it! The car is pretty old so it can't get sparkling clean, but it still looks much cleaner than before. I wonder how long it'll be before some nasty bird bombs it...

All four of us ate lasagna together for dinner, then had our prayer meeting in our room. Finally, I finished up my ASL homework and watched more Hogan's Heroes with Naomi and Priscilla.

And that is the end of the day. good night!